Might We
Modern Mindfulness for Inspiring Collective Change

Sponsor Might We


Support Might We

Local sponsors are the beating heart of Might We Morning. Thanks to generous financial contributions as well as in-kind donations—such as breakfast, beverages, and event space—we are able to offer Might We Mornings free of charge. This generosity allows us to curate and organize a welcoming experience that is warm and inclusive of those who may not otherwise have access.

Sponsoring a Might We event is a great way to reach the local community.
In return for their support, local sponsors generally are:

  • Featured on mightwe.org

  • Promoted numerous times via our social media accounts

  • Provided with professional event photos featuring their brand placement

  • Acknowledged onstage at every event

If you or your brand are interested in supporting Might We as a sponsor, please email hello@mightwe (dot) org and we will send you more information.